Our village pub, The Shrewsbury Arms, had been closed for some time and was for sale. Across the village there was a strong support to approach East Staffs Council to apply for the building to be listed as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) which was successfully applied for in November 2018.
On April 3rd 2019 the KCS successfully won The Shrewsbury Arms at auction and we collected the keys on 1st May 2019.
After 5 months of restoration, The Shrew was reopened under a team of experienced tenants on 20th September 2019.
The website sets out to inform you about the KCS Team, FAQ’s, Business plan, purchasing shares etc.

Here are a selection of pictures of the hard work undertaken to purchase and restore our pub.
*Note: these images are in the public domain, please contact the KCS if you would like your image removed
Before we owned the pub we held a number of fund raising events

We own a pub! Here are some pictures of how it looked when we first got the keys

Here are a selection of pictures of the hard work undertaken to restore our pub